Friday, September 13, 2013

Radio Ep. 10 - Food in Schools & Lessons in Nutrition

modern schools are considered a cornerstone of society necessary for the basic education of children in the important things in life. When one chooses not to participate in this system any longer they are viewed and treated as black sheep who've turned their back on humanity and progress altogether.

This is a misconception and the result of propaganda peddled by the universities and their recruiting departments. One must not forget that schools and universities are businesses that take in huge sums of profit by overcharging for their services.

This can be their students in universities or the local community in public schools. The average expense is over 10,000 per year per student enrolled in any type of schoo, being paid by the citizens.

The subsidization of this system allows it to get away with things that traditional businesses are not able to .

The subject of today's conversation is nutrition, and what do the schools teach us to eat. This show will be retitled are school lunches the best society can provide? And in today's show I discuss some of the things that are wrong with what students are fed in cafeterias and more generally what they are taught is safe and healthy to eat.

Here is a short excerpt from an article on about the school lunch programs and the many ways they fall short of providing the best in the form of nutrition or nutritional education.

You see the sad part is most of us have simply given too much trust to these institutions instead of relying on our own abilities and interests to drive the learning and growth process in our lives.

By being led to believe trust in the experts is all that is needed for one to prosper , we are left open to all kinds of attacks and more simply mistakes and being taken advantage of by those who are conscious.

For instance, there is a huge notion that schools are responsible for most children learning to read and write and after all we remember spending all that time and all those hours practicing in kindergarten right?

Well it seems these have no true effect and actually learning to read takes place elsewhere. The reason for this is quite simple and if you look at the U.S. Bureau of education's own statistics, they tell you that only 19% of high school graduates don't know how to read, while only 14% of the general population doesn't know how to read. This lets you know that you dace a 5% greater risk of not learning to read or write by graduating high school.

Radio Ep. 9 - Schools Don't teach anything about money

What do schools teach us about money and how much do students and graduates really know about how wealth is created in modern society.  Listen Live Here

Economies were pretty simple back in the day before we discovered agriculture. The economy was simply each person gathering and hunting as a part of a tribe or small commune.

Without agriculture, there was no surplus in resources and most people were preoccupied with feeding themselves and keeping warm or cool and avoiding disease and threats, but almost everyone who was alive was engaged in producing or procuring food.

As agriculture was developed over the years and less and less people had to spend time on food, the economy all of a sudden came into being, because now people had the time and resources to create other sorts of things, like cloths, specialized foods, food products, and different crops. Before we all went out and hunted, and shared it all as a commune, because well, we were poor and If we didn't do things this way dying out was a rel possibility.

As more of us had time to focus on other things besides not starving to death, our communities grew into full fledged economies like we presently have.

What is money? How was money created. People think banks and governments create money, but in reality the money is

Radio Ep. 8 - Sex education but nothing about relationships in schools

Do you think it makes sense that most states and schools teach students about sex and abstinence long before they cover all aspects of a relationship. It seems that they focus primarily on the hormones and biological aspect without first reaching out to the mental and emotional aspects that take place before any sexual encounter is even possible.

Listen to Live Broadcast Here 

This is one major contention I have with the public schooling process, which is that it Ignore the soul inside the machine and merely treats all children in a robotic, cattle like fashion.

This is one of the main reasons we are not taught how to think but are instead told what to think. There is not one class in school for kids, that teaches the internal arts.

How to control your breathing, how to remain calm using ancient techniques, how to get your brain in a state that you can learn faster and think on your feet using simple meditation and breathing exercises anyone can be taught. No no no.. they teach everything else but that which matters most.

It Is the same thing when we get back to this sexual education situation, now let me read off some numbers so you can get a picture of the situation that schools are working to correct.

Stats from page
Compared with their Canadian, English, French and Swedish peers, U.S. teens have a similar level of sexual activity, but they are more likely to have shorter and less consistent sexual relationships, and are less likely to use contraceptives, especially the pill or dual methods.[7]
• The United States continues to have one of the highest teen pregnancy rates in the developed world (68 per 1,000 women aged 15–19 in 2008)—more than twice that of Canada (27.9 per 1,000) or Sweden (31.4 per 1,000).[8]
• Every year, roughly nine million new STIs occur among teens and young adults in the United States. Compared with rates among teens in Canada and Western Europe, rates of gonorrhea and chlamydia among U.S. teens are extremely high.[9, 10]

so as we can see by these numbers, the problem is not students not knowing how to have sex or how to use contraception, the problem is their relationships are shorter and the have more partners than the other developed countries, which lead to more exposures to stds and unwanted pregnancies.

Here is the thing. Wouldn't that be an obvious sign and clear signal that kids have no shortage of knowledge about sex, and everything they are seeing in sex education class is precisely what they already heard about or seen on TV shows and movies.

The problem is that these kids are emotionally unstable and not ready for the implications of their choice of sexual partner. No one taught them about the things they may feel and how to deal with them so that they are not making crazy decisions based on short-lived emotions.

Schools do not take any time or waste any effort on teaching children about the overwhelming pull certain emotions can have on them once they hit puberty and get to that age.

Instead of getting these kids started in meditation, breathing exercises, yoga, and other arts that help one overcome strong emotions and remain conscious through trying situations. Self discipline is not taught at all.

Some people tell me that schools teach self discipline and students who go to school have more discipline than those who drop out. This is simply not true, schools do not teach self discipline because you have to do certain things or you get into trouble. Staying out of trouble and fearing authority or the negative opinions of your peers is not part of self discipline.

This is why most students who drop out of school late in high school or college face issues when it comes to having the motivation and discipline to get up and start going for your goals.

Instead most have to retrain themselves like myself and learn how to be your own fuel for fire when it comes to doing something consistently.

Schools teach mostly compliance and obedience to commands from authority. Schools teach you conformity by constantly putting you in situations where going against the group is you r natural instinct, but you are forced to anyway in order to keep the peace, not make the teacher mad, don't get us all in trouble, not more homework because of you, stop talking back and running your mouth, You're disturbing the classroom.

School teaches you to shut your natural inventiveness and originality down just to keep the so called “group” happy.

Radio Ep. 7 - Does it suck being a dropout?

The main problem most dropouts in today's society have to face is a psychological one. Most dropouts have been conditioned to work against their own interests and resign in the face of unsurmountable obstacles.

Most dropouts end up drowniing their sorrows in alcohol and cheap pleasures that are unsustainable.

We have been conditioned to learn that we are not good at learning and therefore will only get low paying jobs if that.

We have been taught that without the required accreditation, there is no success and wealth waiting for us in the real world... that is. Unless we become rappers, athletes and entertainers.

This is why most dropouts who live in poverty spend a lot of their time and the little money they accumulate playing the lottery. The years of classroom learning they endured in school did not equip them to deal with real economic calculations, and they usually get too distracted by the glitter and shine to notice that they are playing a losing game.

All dropouts get lumped into one stereotype, because the conscious and unconscious dropouts get rated and categorized as one.

Here is an article I ran across while doing some research that was quite interesting. One thing you will notice is the level of drive and dedication to be successful that this person had.

I ran into a list of 55 millionaire high school dropouts and I'll go over some of the uncommon ones in a bit because everyone knows the big names.

See the first objection most people raise when you try to provide tips and advice to dropouts is that everyone at least has to attend high school or they are doomed. The problem is that most dropouts have no real support network like the one provided in school. We as a society need to spend more time and energy creating alternative support networks and educational resources geared toward those who do not learn well by applying the traditional schooling techniques.

Please call into the show to let me know what you think, I would love to hear from you here at self education radio with your host prince J avery broadcasting live out of Texas.

So did you know someone who agrees with the message of this show is giving college dropouts $100,000 a piece to drop out of school.

Peter thiel that is. Now here is the ironic thing about it. Imagine, if that sounds so great to you, the average parents who sends their kid to school can do this. Most children who go to school end up getting in debt for over 100k a lot of times. Most of these students will then have to work for some company for years, hoping to make it up to middle management and hopefully the executive level.

For that same amount of money, and similar amounts of time because it takes about 2-3 years for most businesses to take off. That means before the college students are graduating, the dropouts could be already financially established and have the experience to get similar if not better jobs than the graduates because they already have the experience.